October 19, 2023

From Concept to Reality: Tailored Generative AI for the Alternatives Space

I’m so proud of the amazing feedback we’ve received from the industry since we officially introduced BlueFlame AI on Monday, Oct. 16, 2023. It’s been such a validation for our team who have worked tirelessly to make the platform work for every client.

Launching BlueFlame has been an amazing journey that began with my cofounders and I confronting several preconceptions about the role AI could play in the alts space. We understood the power of AI and specifically Large Language Models (LLMs), and the significant time savings and efficiency gains it could deliver. But how could we ensure we made it a tailored generative AI experience for the alternatives space?

We spent months speaking with numerous advisors and members of the alt community, including hedge funds, private equity firms and FinTechs, to understand what the market really needed and define the right use cases. It was through that networking and brainstorming that we were able to home in on what we think will be invaluable for our industry: a natural language interface to next gen enterprise search. From there, we took it a step further by ensuring it allowed for bidirectional interaction with both proprietary and niche systems through a simple natural language prompt. And we made certain that security, privacy and compliance were built into the platform from the ground up, with a SOC2 at launch and 17(a)-4 archive of LLM interactions.

Since we’ve formalized the offering, I’ve loved the comments we’ve heard in every client and potential client conversation when they realize what BlueFlame could do for their business. Once the participants understand the possibilities, each of those conversations at some point eventually include the phrase, “It would be really cool if we could…”. One deal professional commented to us that what we were showing her would save her a week!

And I love even more that our team has then been able to take that input, get after it and make it a reality for alternative investment managers. As one partner at a $15B+ AUM PE firm in NY noted, “BlueFlame AI has saved my team time and improved our decision-making process. They knew my business and tailored the process to a number of my senior team members, providing a white glove approach.”

This is just the beginning. There’s incredible opportunity for AI in our space, and we’re so excited to build for the future together.

Schedule your demo today to see how BlueFlame AI can work for your firm.