March 4, 2024

What Do the New Microsoft Copilot Updates Mean for You?

Microsoft is in this midst of rolling out a Copilot update package including accessibility-focused settings and the introduction of Power Automate via Copilot in Windows, all designed to integrate Copilot into users' daily tasks and enhance productivity across various activities. These updates are promising – but what the industry really needs to examine is how to tap into LLM (Large Language Model) and provider-agnostic solutions that can build on top of Copilot and other solutions and fill the gaps with specialized features and industry-specific knowledge crucial for alternative investment managers.  

As an example, here’s one quick hole we recently plugged in Copilot:  

Copilot currently does not have functionality to assist with scheduling meetings. BlueFlame has addressed this building functionality that reviews meeting attendee calendars and proposes the best times to meet. Once you select the time, BlueFlame can send the meeting invitation for you.

That’s the intrinsic value of BlueFlame: a sector-specific provider that purpose-builds its solutions to meet the unique needs of alternative investment managers. We are bringing the full power of gen AI to alts by taking the extra step to make Copilot or any LLM work for this industry. We continuously monitor and collaborate with Copilot and other LLMs – and then enhance and add to them to give our clients the fastest response times and critical features they need to compete while ensuring they meet their security and compliance requirements.  

How does BlueFlame complement Copilot and other platforms?

We add an additional permissioning layer and our own unique set of features designed to supercharge productivity and streamline workflows for alternative investment managers, including:  

  • Semantic Search: Precision search capabilities fine-tuned to the nuances of the alternative investments domain, ensuring users can locate pertinent information precisely and quickly.    
  • Purpose-built Workflows: Purpose-built workflows with user-specific customizations let our clients quickly enhance adaptability and streamline workflows and processes.  
  • Data Connections: Turnkey links grant fast access to internal and external data, expediting review processes for structured and unstructured data and aggregating information across various channels.  
  • Compliance Functionality: We empower users to navigate the complex regulatory landscape confidently, ensuring adherence to SEC, FINRA, FCA, and other regulatory requirements.  
  • Expert Client Service: Multi-layered client support staffed by our industry experts optimize AIM processes, training and use cases, ensuring our clients are up and running on day one.

Want to learn more about how BlueFlame can enhance your work with Copilot, maximize your technology investments and meet your unique workflow needs?  Request a demo today to see how we're making gen AI work for the alternative investment industry.

Schedule your demo today to see how BlueFlame AI can work for your firm.